'Love is Letting Go of Fear' Retreat
EVENT DATE: May 16th, 2024

Retreat - Love is Letting Go of Fear. 16-19th May
Facilitator: Martin Hosking
Dates and Time: 5:00 PM Thursday 16th May - after lunch, Sunday 19th May 2024
Cost: - $530 single accommodation - $395 shared accommodation - $270 non-residential
BYO: journal
RSVP: by 2nd May to (03) 5156 6580 or email info@theabbey.org.au
In these troubled and anxious times, it is hard to find personal peace. We seem to face suffering and loss both immediate and persistent. How do we let go of the fear that binds us and which, too often, can be a cause of injury to others?
This three-day retreat will lead us into one approach, drawing on the work of Gerald G. Jampolsky who more than 30 years wrote “Love is Letting Go of Fear”. Through guided meditations, reflections and focused discussion we will contemplate how we may deepen the love that is at the heart of the great wisdom traditions. The retreat is open to people of any or no religion but will draw on the particular insights into the love of God articulated by Jesus in the Gospels.