Climate Action links and articles

In June 2022, the Gippsland Synod met and adopted the following motion: "That this Synod makes action on climate change a major focus for the Diocese of Gippsland over the coming three-year cycle of Synod, with parishes and all Diocesan Bodies making a commitment to:

  1. Study the theology of creation and other relevant theology
  2. Learn about climate change, including its current and anticipated future impacts
  3. Act to reduce emissions from church buildings and vehicles and to adopt patterns of church life that work towards this end
  4. Encourage individuals to reduce household emissions
  5. Pray for the wellbeing of all creation

Prayers and liturgical resources

Prayer for the wellbeing of all creation:

Creator God, giver of life

You sustain the earth and direct the nations

In this time of climate crisis

Grant us clarity to hear the groaning of creation and the cries of the poor

Challenge us to change our lifestyles

Guide our leaders to take courageous action

Enable your church to be a beacon of hope

Foster within us a renewed vision of your purposes for your world

Through Jesus Christ our Lord

By and for whom all things were made. AMEN

Prayer offered by Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrel, prior to COP26.

Theology of Creation

This section gives you resources to study the theology of creation and other relevant theology.


  • Cornford, Jonathan: Coming Back to Earth – Essays on the Church, Cities, Agriculture and Eating (2016) Morning Star Publishing

  • Cornford, Jonathan: Coming Home. Discipleship, Ecology and Everyday Economics (2019) Morning Star Publishing

  • Dawson, Claire & Pope, Dr Mick, A Climate of Hope: Church & Mission in a Warming World (2014) UNOH Publishing

  • Davis, Ellen F: Scripture, Culture and Agriculture: An Agrarian Reading of the Bible (2008) Cambridge University Press

  • Delio, Ilia; Warner, Keith Douglass; Wood, Pamela: Care for Creation. A Franciscan Spirituality of the Earth. (1999). St Anthony Messenger Press.

  • Pope, Mick: Climate Justice. Loving Your Neighbour in a Warming World. (2017) Morning Star Publishing

Practical action in homes and Parishes

This section links you to information that will give you ideas to improve your climate impact at home and in your Parish.

What can I do today at home?

1.Compare energy providers and take advantage of the Victorian Government’s Power Saving Bonus Program. The new round will be available from 24 March 2023 to 31 August 2023. All eligible Victorian households are able to apply for a $250 payment under the current round of the Power Saving Bonus Program, including any households who have received payments through previous rounds of the program. Link

2. Understand your energy usage. Check your gas and electricity bills for information. This Victorian Government website is a reliable information source Link

3. Recycle as often as you can. Here’s a helpful tool from Sustainability Victoria

4.Increase your composting of food waste. The Clean Up Australia website says "approximately 92% of household food waste still goes directly to landfill, where it anaerobically decomposes, expelling methane – a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide to the atmosphere." Read more at this link

5.Transport choices and holiday destinations. Consider if you have alternatives for modes of transport for your daily living and holidays. Seeking to reduce the use of fossil fuels in cars and aeroplanes will help. Read about ‘Climate change and flying: what share of global CO2 emissions come from aviation?’ at this link

What can I do in my Parish?

How can parishes ‘act to reduce emissions from church buildings and vehicles and to adopt patterns of church life that work towards this end’?

  1. Plant a tree – or even a whole Tiny Forest! Trees sequester carbon as they grow as well as giving out oxygen, providing shade and creating habitat. See the ABC article: If you don’t have space for a tiny forest, consider partnering with a community garden or other group. Or just start by planting one tree in your church garden. Seek good advice on the type of tree suitable to the position, and consider adding extra value by planting a fruit tree, or something that provides deep shade on hot days. Your tree could become a Prayer Tree as part of a Gippsland communion forest – see the Prayer Tree booklet for more information here: Prayer Tree Booklet

You could also register your tree with the worldwide Anglican Communion Forest: General information: How to get started:

  1. As they wear out, replace gas appliances with electric Gas is a polluting fossil fuel, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. The Climate Council says ‘gas appliances are less efficient and more expensive to run than modern electric equivalents’. See the Climate Council’s guide to getting off gas:

  2. Improve energy efficiency Energy saving tips, like fitting draught seals to windows and doors, are available on the Victorian government site:

  3. Change the church aircon temperature by 1 degree Go for a winter setting of 18-20 degrees, and for summer, 22-23 degrees and save on carbon emissions (and costs).

  4. Avoid and / or recycle waste in the church kitchen Food waste can be collected to be composted at home or in the church / community garden compost bin. Or your local council may provide a green waste bin which can include food scraps. Keep food waste out of landfill, where it contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainability Victoria has a helpful online tool to make recycling easier: Small acts big impact: Suggests six small acts and provides tips and tricks on each.

  1. Compare energy providers Find out how your energy provider compares environmentally. See: Also see a not-for-profit energy cooperative that supports some great community projects: Their mission is to ‘tackle poverty, take action against the climate crisis and build community’.

#Other webinars brought to you by ACTinG

ACTinG Rainforests in East Gippsland Webinar

Food Security Webinar

Action on Climate Together in Gippsland Webinar - ACTinG