Praying it Forward: Emerging Hope and Our Role as Ancestors of the Future.
October 11th, 2021

"Our greatest responsibility is to become good ancestors" Jonas Salk
"What we need to do is learn to act like ancestors of future generations" Joanna Macy
Join Cath Connelly as we look at what it means to be people of hope and how it is that we might become storytellers of a new future. In retreat style we will consider the question of what it is that the Divine wants to be made known through me and how I might participate in this calling. There will be input and quiet time. Yes, Cath will also play her Celtic harp for us…
2.00pm - 4.00pm Sunday 17 October, on zoom cost by donation. to register, call 03 51442020 or email:
Dr Cath Connelly, spiritual director, retreat leader and Celtic harper will present contagious ideas about a commitment to act for the sake of life on Earth as well as the vision, courage and solidarity to do so. Cath is also the co-director of the Living Well Centre for Christian Spirituality, pilgrimage facilitator and keen beekeeper.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 839 9941 0136 Passcode: 039120