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Tracy Lauersen inducted as Rector of Warragul!

October 19th, 2018

Congratulations to the Revd Tracy Lauersen who on Tuesday night was inducted as the Rector of the Parish of Warragul! Tracy comes to the Diocese of Gippsland from the Diocese of Melbourne where she served as Senior Associate Vicar of the St Hilary’s Network and Director of the Peter Corney Training Centre. In his sermon on Tuesday, Bishop Richard spoke of Tracy’s "heart for evangelism and for discipling of new and mature Christians" and the key roles that she plays as a member of the Standing Commission, chair of the Family Violence Working Group and member of the Safe Ministry Commission. We look forward with anticipation to the wisdom, skills and insight that Tracy brings to the Diocese. Congratulations to Tracy, her husband Sven and to the Parish of Warragul!