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Wonthaggi / Inverloch

St George, Wonthaggi (1-3 Hagelthorn St)

The Church of the Ascension, Inverloch (4 The Crescent)

Main Information

Rector The Reverend Graeme Liersch
Mobile 0417 513 390
Email (click for link)
Deacon (Youth and Families Minister) The Reverend Susan Liersch
Phone 0427 099 391
Website (click for link)
Office Email (click for link)
Church Address 1-3 Haglethorn Street, Wonthaggi 3995
Postal Address PO Box 201, Wonthaggi 3995
Phone (03) 5672 4590
Opportunity Shop Cashin Street, Inverloch 3996

Service times:

  • Inverloch: 9.00am Sunday Family Service 10am Tuesday Eucharist.

  • Wonthaggi: 10.30am Sunday Family Service 10am Wednesday Eucharist